The Trojan site redesign required that we rethink how separate but related product categories live together. Trojan Condoms, Lubricants and Vibrations each had their own URLs and websites, but the client wanted to combine the three properties, creating a cohesive consumer experience, while retaining the distinct brand image of each. The result is a unique homepage that acts as a full-page carousel that rotates all content -- when the user scrolls the carousel locks to the current tab and allows the user to explore. The result is a striking visual site that targets younger audiences with it's bold styles and cutting edge interaction model. Each of the three subcategories has it's own content that is integrated with shared sexual health and sexual exploration content.
Thee site designed with millenial mobile users in mind. The use of a hamburger menu for all sizes of the responsive site plays to our targettred millenial user's familiarity of mobile interface controls, and a desire to make the interface as uncluttered as possible. The result is a site that drives exploration.
The whole homepage acts as a carousel control, unlike a typical carousel design, which only changes a single component at a time. This allows trojan to surface specific content, imagery and colors, for each of their three verticals.