First Response
First Response
First Response wanted to focus on how to communicate better with their customers and become a resource for women in the different stages of their pregnancy journey. The redesign responsive site approached the problem by spending significant time from a content planning and strategy perspective. The site allows users to quickly access product information, or get deeper information about the physical, and emotional, experiences they are having in each of the stages of their pregnancy.
From a user experience perspective, we wanted to create an inviting and informative interface, where our users would never feel lost, or unsure about where they could go. The goal was to provide meaningful content at all points, and provide enough room and simplicity for the interface to speak to the user on an emotional level. The result has seen site traffic increase 133% for the same period in the prior year and SEO results double.
Online tools
Based on existing site traffic data and referral data from natural search, it was clear that the existing set of calculators ranked highly but users were abandoning before they had completed the data input, and were either not finding the right page, or having too much difficulty on the page.
We redesigned the calculators to make entering information and understanding the results much clearer for users. Additionally the renaming of some of the calculators to clearly speak to the desired outcome and providing meaningful contextual related information and products has reduced abandonment by over 50%.